...I'm in, how do I sign up?
LINK: AllStars Girls Sign Up
LINK: AllStars Mixed Sign Up
LINK: Junior membership
LINK: Junior Member Plus Sibling Discount
Tell me more
Did you know that parents/guardians of juniors automatically receive free social membership to the club? We hope that you and your young player will take full advantage of this and enjoy the coaching, training, matches, social events, free use of the practice nets and the biggest beer garden in the borough! The club is not-for-profit and run by volunteers, so we welcome all offers of help and hope that you will be able to get involved.
The aim of this communication is to provide information that may be helpful to existing and new members.
We are running more teams than ever this year and, through a mixture of training, matches and specialist coaching, we offer cricket to all boys and girls from age 5-16.
Welfare and Safeguarding
Enjoying our sport in a physically and psychologically safe environment is our top priority. We adhere to the England Cricket ‘Safe Hands’ Policy for Safeguarding Children in Cricket. All the adults of the club who work with children and meet the necessary criteria are vetted by the ECB. This includes the enhanced DBS and ‘Barred List’ check (formerly known as CRB checks).
If you have any concern about your child or another child, or about the behavior of an adult at the club please speak to club welfare office Jack Fantham. Details at bottom of this article. Further info on Child/Club Welfare policy is published on our website.
Meet the Teams
All Stars Girls only: Five to eight year olds. Led by Tom Vila. Fridays 5.45 to 6.45 pm from 16 May to 4 July. Registration is done directly through the ECB platform LINK: SIGN UP HERE
All Stars mixed: Five to eight year olds. Led by Jack Doodson. Fridays 5.45 to 6.45 pm from 16 May to 4 July. Registration is done directly through the ECB platform LINK: SIGN UP HERE
The mixed and girls only session will run at the same time and you will be able to move courses after booking. Read more on our article here LINKS: NCC ALLSTARS
U9 BOYS: Managed by Phil Anderson. Year 3 and 4. Introduction to cricket. This is suitable for those who are ready to progress from the ALL Stars program, and on to cricket match play. Soft ball training, with 8-a-side matches against local clubs. Training Fridays 6pm to 7pm 25 April - 9 May, then 6.45-7.45 pm 16 May to 4 July (All Stars runs beforehand for the last 8 weeks).
U9 GIRLS: Team manager TBC. Year 3 and 4. Introduction to cricket. This is suitable for those who are ready to progress from the ALL Stars program, and on to cricket match play. Soft ball training, with 6-a-side matches against local clubs. Training Fridays 6pm to 7pm 25 April - 9 May, then 6.45-7.45 pm 16 May to 4 July (All Stars runs beforehand for the last 8 weeks).
U10 Boys: Team manager TBC. Year 5. Softball training and matches developing cricket skill and teamwork. Incrediball 8-a-side matches against local clubsTraining Fridays 6pm to 7pm 25 April - 9 May, then 6.45-7.45 pm 16 May to 4 July (All Stars runs beforehand for the last 8 weeks).
U11 BOYS: Managed by Emily Turnbull. Year 6. A first experience of the hardball game, getting to grips with pads, glove, helmets an boxes! Training Mondays 5.45 to 6.45 pm 21 Apr- 7 Jul. Hard ball, 8-a- side, ‘pairs’ matches.
U12 BOYS: Managed by James Smart. Year 7. Training Mondays 5.45 to 6.45 pm 21 Apr- 7 Jul. Hard ball, 11-a-side T20
U13 BOYS: Managed by Hayley Hobley. Year 8. Training Mondays 6.45-8pm Apr 21 - 7 Jul. Hard ball, 10-a- side, ‘pairs’ matches. Register
U14 BOYS: Managed by Rachael Bray. Year 9. Training day TBC . Hard ball, 11-a-side T20. Register
Our training sessions are designed to be progressive and fun. Our coaching philosophy is simply that we want the players to want to ‘come back next week’. We do this through a mixture of game-based practice and technical coaching for those interested in developing their game to next level.
Our teams play in the Herts Junior League and fixtures will be published on the website on the relevant team page. The format is mostly ‘pairs’ cricket, which means everyone has an opportunity to bat and bowl regardless of ability. Matches are played on weekday evenings (starting at either 5.30 or 6pm) or weekends, and last 1- 2.5 hours depending on age group.
Our wonderful volunteer managers will take availability and select teams, trying to spread participation evenly throughout the squad. To run successfully, matches require volunteers to umpire, score and support the players so please offer your help if you can.
The clubhouse bar will be open for refreshments during home matches and training sessions from 6pm weekdays and 1pm on weekends.
Clothing and Equipment
This year, we are providing a shirt with the membership. The shirt can be worn for training sessions and should be worn for matches. Cricket white trousers can be bought inexpensively from Sports Direct. We will provide all equipment necessary, though we recommend those playing hard ball cricket (U11+) buy and bring their own box/abdominal guard (these require brief-style underwear, not boxer shorts, to remain in the vital area!). Other club kit is available here.
All Stars: T-shirt provided in welcome kit pack. Weather appropriate clothing. Water bottle. Trainers/astros.
U11-U14: Northchurch shirt for training and matches. Whites trousers need not be worn for training. Weather appropriate clothing.Water bottle. Own Box/Abdominal guard and briefs. Trainers/astros. Cricket whites should be worn for matches, along with cricket spikes/Astro shoes (not football boots).Own equipment is optional.
Registration and Payment
Registration and payment is made through the website: www.northchurchcc.com. You must register on the website before buying a membership through our online shop. All Stars are registered through the ECB platform noted above, at a cost of £50 per child. Junior subscriptions are £110, with a 10% sibling discount for a second child. There has been an unavoidable increase in the cos this year, partly to cover the new fabulous playing shirts and partly because pretty well all of our suppliers have increase costs drastically.
The NCC Team.
Whilst all the information you will need can be found on the Club’s website, a list of key club officers are as follows:
Club Chairman – Ian Fantham - ian.fantham@astute.global
Club Secretary – Ali Fantham – admin@northchurchcc.org
Club Treasurer – Tom Vila – treasurer@northchurchcc.org
Club Welfare Officer – Jack Fantham – jackfantham@hotmail.co.uk– 07869311293
For any questions about junior cricket at Northchurch, please contact our juniors secretary, Tom Vila: juniors@northchurchcc.org
Enjoy the season!